Created By: Alissa Mercer
Productive day for the most part, I mean it is due tomorrow so it was about time I got my butt up and moving. All I have to do is upload my bibliography that I already did and just add my stuff to the research page. Just thought I would inform the public on my plan. Goodnight !
So it is 10:06 p.m. Just fell asleep and woke back up to do this . I really could not get anything done tonight. I am sorry my beautiful website but I feel that my sleep is more important right now, wicked busy day. Progress in the morning I swear. Goodnight!!! 
Well I still haven't added my information and I am sorry for that! I have it all printed out, but then I find more cool stuff and print it, get side track ted and then I don't even know what happens.  Plus I keep forgetting to publish it too -_- Anyways I have a lot more information and I am excited to get this done, All I need to do is just get it all on the site.  Back to work !
Back again! So I finally got a good theme and some really good pictures. I have research on my topic. Just need to get it on here and then I should be getting more done with this project. I am getting really into it this project, I have always wanted to know more and I finally get the time to do it. I will get going on more of it this weekend, but who knows, I want to go have some fun this weekend. Bye for now.
So I ended up working on it, But not a lot to show for it. I mean I found a lot more websites and articles on my topic so it was easier to find information. I then just actively read all of them and decided what exactly I wanted to use out of them. I finally found a theme I liked too! More work to be done.. it will happen.
So today , I did not get much done. Only because we had other things to work on and it took me a long time to even find material on what this bad boy is going to be about. I am learning the system, difficult, but I am getting through it !!! I am hoping to come back on tonight and work on it, but no promises because I am a busy girl today. Adios for now !


    My name is Alissa Mercer! Here is where you guys, my fellow class mates , can comment on how awesome my site is! :P


    May 2013

